
Dubai's Heatwaves - Essential Property Maintenance Tips for Summer

  • Better Informed
  • 07 Jun, 2024
Dubai's Heatwaves - Essential Property Maintenance Tips for Summer

Here comes summer! While the season brings excitement, residents of Dubai often face several common issues due to the extreme heat and dry climate. It's time to gear up and ensure your property stays cool, efficient, and in top-notch condition. As the temperature rises, so do the challenges of maintaining a property in the blistering heat. Don't let the scorching sun catch you off guard. Let’s explore common property issues during the summer and the essential maintenance tips to help you keep your home in top shape.

From the strain on cooling systems to the increased demand for water and energy, property managers and owners must be vigilant and prepared to tackle problems. Here are the common property-related issues faced during this season.

Air Conditioning Failures

With temperatures soaring above 40°C (104°F), air conditioning units are under constant strain running almost continuously during the summer. This can lead to potential failures or reduced efficiency.

High utility Bills

The continuous use of air conditioning system significantly increases electrical consumption, leading to high energy bills. Poor insulation can exacerbate this problem, making it harder to keep indoor spaces cool. Due to higher temperatures, water consumption also spikes, impacting utility costs.

Plumbing Issues

Extreme heat can cause expansion and contraction in plumbing systems, leading to leaks or bursts. Water heaters may also overheat, causing potential safety issues.

Swimming Pool Maintenance

High temperatures cause faster evaporation, requiring frequent refilling and chemical adjustments to maintain water quality. The heat can promote algae growth, necessitating more frequent cleaning and chemical treatments.

Pest Infestations

Hot weather can increase the prevalence of pests like ants, cockroaches, and mosquitoes. Increased food and water consumption indoors can attract rodents seeking shelter and resources.

Landscaping Challenges

Maintaining gardens and green spaces becomes challenging due to high evaporation rates. Many plants struggle to survive the extreme heat, requiring careful selection of drought-resistant species.

Structural Issues

The intense heat can cause building materials to expand and contract, potentially leading to cracks in walls, foundations, and other structures. Prolonged exposure to the sun can damage roofing materials, leading to leaks or other issues.

Extreme heat can cause fading and deterioration of outdoor furniture, fixtures, and paint.

Certain materials may warp or become brittle under prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

Essential Property Maintenance Tips in Dubai For Summer

Property owners and managers in Dubai typically invest in regular maintenance and must proactively address issues to ensure safety, comfort, and cost-efficiency during the challenging summer months. Follow these essential property maintenance tips to keep your investment in prime shape all summer long.

Air Conditioning Check-Up

The air conditioning system is the lifeline of any property in Dubai during the summer. Regular maintenance is important to keep it running efficiently. Schedule a professional check-up to clean filters, check for leaks, and ensure all components are working correctly. This not only improves performance but also reduces energy bills.

Insulate Your Property

Proper insulation can make a significant difference in maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature. Inspect windows and doors for any gaps or openings that might let hot air in and cool air out. Using weather stripping or silicone to seal these gaps can significantly enhance your property's air tightness and reduce heat load on your AC system, by controlling the infiltration of hot air from outside.


Roof and Exterior Walls Maintenance

The intense sun can take a toll on your property’s exterior elements. Inspect the roof for any signs of deterioration, cracks or loose tiles, and get them repaired promptly to prevent leaks. Similarly, check exterior walls for any signs of wear and tear. A fresh coat of paint or sealant can protect against the harsh sun and keep your property looking new.

Plumbing Check

The heat can affect your plumbing system too. Inspect pipes for any leaks or signs of wear, especially when they are continuously exposed to the sun. Consider insulating exposed pipes to prevent thermal damage. Regularly check the water pressure and ensure that the water tanks and pumps are functioning properly.

Landscaping Care

Your garden or outdoor area needs special attention during summer. Water your plants early in the morning or late in the evening to minimise evaporation. Mulching can help retain soil moisture. Also, ensure your irrigation system is working efficiently and is set to the correct schedule to conserve water and keep your landscape healthy.

Swimming Pool Maintenance

If your property has a swimming pool, regular maintenance is essential to keep it clean and safe. Check the water levels and quality frequently. Ensure the filtration system is working properly and clean the pool regularly to avoid algae buildup. Cover the pool when not in use to keep debris out and reduce evaporation. It is also essential to have

the chlorine dosing system in good working condition to maintain optimal pool water

quality parameters. Check also The Cost of Maintaining, and Cooling a Pool in Dubai

Energy Efficiency

Choose sustainable living options. Consider installing energy-efficient appliances and lighting to reduce your overall energy consumption. LED lights and energy-efficient appliances can significantly lower your electricity bill and are better for the environment. Additionally, installing solar panels can be a long-term investment that pays off by harnessing Dubai’s abundant sunshine.

Safety Checks

Summer is also a good time to perform general safety checks around your property. Appoint specialist vendors to test smoke detectors, check fire extinguishers, and ensure all electrical outlets and wiring are safe and in compliance with statutory requirements and guidelines. Safety should always be a priority, and regular checks can prevent potential hazards.


Summer in Dubai presents a unique set of challenges for property owners and managers, but with proactive maintenance and regular inspections, you can keep your home comfortable and safe. By addressing common issues like AC breakdowns, plumbing problems, electrical overloads, exterior damage, and pest infestations, you'll ensure your property remains in excellent condition throughout the hottest months of the year.

For any professional maintenance services or further advice on property management, feel free to contact us. We're here to help you keep your property in perfect shape all year round.

Website: Betterhomes Property Management

Telephone: +971 4 401 0911 


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